PC BIZ of the MONTH Excerpts from the book, "101 Computer Related Businesses", Copyright 1994 by Michael A. Tims. Biz-92 T-SHIRT SHOP Most designer t-shirts are created by printing on the fabric using the silk screening process and this has been a lucrative business for many entrepreneurs over the years. Silk screening is easily learned and many informative books have been written on the process. What I would like to do here in this business idea is to present two (2) computer related twists to the designer t-shirt business. The first is the idea of using a computer graphics program and a laser printer to create either positive or negative images (designs) on clear acetate sheets much like creating presentation transparencies. Most newer drawing or graphics programs, such as the commercial programs: CorelDraw or Adobe Illustrator; allow you to print out one sheet for each color in the design (This is called color seperation). The positive or negative film images are then used to make a silk screen stencil, one for each color being printed, by using either an ultraviolet sensitive emulsion or a direct applied photosensitive film process. Although these processes sound complicated, they can be easily learned once you have learned the basic silk screen printing process. Your local library should have many excellent books on the silk screen process in general. For specific information on using direct photosensitive emulsions and either positives or negatives to create silk screen stencils, contact the following companies: The Ulano Corporation, 255 Butler St., Brooklyn, NY., 11217. The Autotype Corporation, 2050 Hammond Dr., Schaumburg, IL., 60173. Ask for their manual on "Stencil Techniques". By using computer drawing and painting programs, much more intricate patterns and designs are possible over the old cut-with-a-razor-knife type silk screen stencils. Even halftone stencils are possible. The second way that the computer can be used in the t-shirt business is by using the same drawing and painting programs mentioned previously, only with this idea you use a laser printer along with special heat transfer toner cartridges to create colorful, intricate heat transfers. Ironing the back of the heat transfers with a flat iron or putting them under a heat press for 20-30 seconds transfers the design permanently onto the t-shirt. The heat transfer toners are available in twelve bright colors, plus you can also mix up an almost infinate variety of colors using the basic Blue (Cyan), Magenta, Yellow and Black laser cartridges. The only special feature the drawing or painting program must have is the ability to print the image or design in reverse. The software must also allow color seperation of the finished design once you have it ready to print. Printing is done on plain paper in reverse of the way you want it to appear on the shirt. You pass the paper through the laser printer once for each color in the design, changing the cartridge to the proper color for each pass. The colors are additive and the color of the t-shirt must be taken into account if you want to create the correct effect or color. For example, red on a yellow t-shirt will produce orange. Photographic images and halftones are also possible to transfer to t-shirts and can create personalized souvenirs at tourist attractions, fairs, carnivals, fund raisers, etc. Actually the possibilities are almost endless. An excellent article appeared in the October/November 1993 issue of "Flash Magazine" by Walter Jeffries on the use of T-shirt Transfer Toners. Flash Magazine is published by: Blacklightning Publishing, Inc., Riddle Pond Rd., West Topsham, VT., 05086. Write them directly on the availability of reprints of this excellent article. Blacklightning is also the developer and source for heat transfer toners as well as other t-shirt shop supplies. Write for their latest catalog and pricing. Other sources of t-shirt supplies such as heat presses, etc. are: George Knight Co., 54 Lincoln St., Brockton, MA., 02403. RPL Supplies, Inc., 280 Midland Ave., Saddle Brook, NJ., 07662. Flax Art Design, Box 7216, San Francisco, CA., 94120. Stahl's Inc., 20600 Stephens St., St. Clair Shores, MI., 48080. Stahl's is also the source for an excellent graphics software program called "Draw!Mate" Badger Graphic Sales, Inc., P. O. BOX 46, Kaukauna, WI., 54230. One company offering a screen printing business package is: S. Morantz, Inc., 9984 Gantry Rd., Philadelphia, PA., 19115. Besides the special toner cartridges mentioned, no special equipment is required. But because you will be working with graphics programs which usually require mega-memory, at least a 386-33MHZ computer is recommended, with no less than 6-8 megabytes of RAM. If possible move up to a 486-66MHZ or the new Pentium to improve graphics handling and speed. A graphics accelerator board may also be necessary to speed up the graphics programs even more. Large graphics files dictate having as large a hard disk as you can manage, with about 400 meg being a minimum. Even then you will probably find yourself adding more hard disk storage as you need it. The special heat transfer toner cartridges are available for any laser printer based on the widely used Canon CX, SX, LX, EX, BX or NX laser printer engines. These include the popular HP Laserjets and Apple LaserWriters. Other office equipment you may want to consider might include a FAX machine to be able to send and receive reports, etc. without having to wait for the postal service or even over-night priority mail. A telephone answering machine which can sense the difference between FAX transmissions and voice may also come in quite handy in the office, especially if you are working out of a home office or only have one telephone line into your office. A Telephone MODEM may also become necessary to communicate with other computers, by telephone line, anywhere a phone is available. Graphics programs such as the programs, "CorelDraw", "Adobe Illustrator", "Adobe Photoshop", "PC Paint" and "Draw!Mate" are good examples of commercial software programs which are used in many t-shirt shops. Don't discount shareware (try-before-you-buy type software), however, as there are many fine painting and drawing programs in this category. Among the many shareware programs are the following: Desktop Paint Finger Paint NeoPaint Painter's Apprentice These and other excellent shareware programs are listed in Appendix A. In addition to the special graphics software mentioned, the basic software requirements for a business of this type would consist of the usual word processing, database, accounting and personal and business income tax preparation software. As with most of the business ideas presented in this book, we feel that properly selected SHAREWARE (try-before-you-buy type software) will prove to be more than adequate for all your basic business software needs. For word processing software, I would recommend either of two fine shareware programs. The first is "Super WP", an excellent WordPerfect clone that has many features superior to the commercial program. The second is "PC-Write", which is said to be one of the finest wordprocessor programs, shareware or otherwise, available at any price. To brush-up on your typing skills, there is even a shareware typing tutor program called, "Touch Typing Tutor" which will bring your typing skills up to a professional level in no-time. A database program is usually needed to keep track of customers, client data, mailing lists and many other forms of data, etc. The shareware program, "PC-File", is an excellent shareware database program that has features such as custom report writing, letter writing with mail merge, data analysis, plus charts and graphing support. "PC-File" also features dBase III and Clipper compatibility, should you ever wish to write a custom application for your business. Another fine shareware database program goes by the unlikely name of, "Wampum", which is a relational database clone of the popular commercial program called dBase. Every small business needs bookkeeping software to keep track of income and expenses. What they don't need is a full blown accounting package that takes more time than the business itself. The shareware program, "Medlin Accounting", is an easy to use, time saving IRS approved single entry bookkeeping system which is more than adequate for the small-to-medium sized business. It features a general ledger module, an accounts receivable module, an accounts payable module as well as an inventory module. Another financial program I would recommend to any small businessman, or individual for that matter, is the shareware program, "Checkmate Plus". "Checkmate Plus" is an easy to use, yet powerful, checkbook style, double entry accounting system which will also print checks on either laser or dot matrix printers. Spreadsheet programs are sometimes required by the small business and I would concede that the industry leader is the commercial program, Lotus 1-2-3. However, an excellent clone to Lotus 1-2-3 is the shareware program, "As Easy As". It is menu-driven for easy use yet a very powerful spreadsheet program. Features 8192 rows by 256 columns, dBase III import/export, macro playback, dot matrix and laser printer support, worksheet linking, charting and much, much more. Communications software for use with telephone line and computer modem is often needed by the small business. By using communications software, the home based entrepreneur is able to access remote computers, informational databases, bulletin board services (BBS's) client's computers, etc., right from his/her home office over the phone lines. This makes many high tech businesses able to be run successfully from any place a phone can be accessed. The full featured shareware communications program I would recommend is "Procomm Plus Test Drive". This time-proven shareware offering of a commercial program will prove perfect for most of your communications needs, and has such features as a 100 number dialing directory, script file capability and support for most major file transfer protocols including XMODEM, TELINK, and COMPUSERVE B. However, If you should purchase a fax/modem for your office, many of them come already bundled with excellent communications software. For a complete listing of commercial as well as shareware programs featured in this book, see Appendix A. ************************************************************** If you have been looking for ideas to make money with your own PC, "101 Computer Related Businesses" is available on floppy disk, as a virtual book, directly from the publisher for only $29.95 Postpaid. State disk size preferred when ordering from, Matco Electronic Publications, POB 509 Suite 310A, Roseville, MI., 48066-0509. Many other PC business ideas and opportunities are also available. Excerpts are carried on AOL in the SMALL BUSINESS FORUM-STRATEGIES FOR BUSINESS FILE LIBRARYand EPUB FORUM-NEW FILES LIBRARY. Excerpts are now carried on Prodigy also. Just look for "PC Biz of the Month". Thanks, Michael A. Tims MTims48021@aol.com QQVE13A@prodigy.com